Meditation for Teachers and Educators

  • Meditation for elementary school teachers

    Elementary School Teachers

    Bring sound meditation to your elementary or middle school setting. Sound meditation is a relaxation-promoting activity that can allow for deeper focus and the fostering of stronger teacher-colleague-student relationships. I have experience facilitating meditation during faculty days and have seen the positive impact integrating stress-reducing practices as part of staff development initiatives can have.

    This option allows educators of kindergarten through middle school levels to experience the benefits of sound meditation without needing to coordinate at an external location which greatly reduces the pressure and stress planning.

  • Sound Meditation for High School and Secondary Education Teachers

    High School and Secondary Education Teachers

    The transition from grade school (or middle school) into high school can be a complex, emotional and psychological ride. Providing educators and/or students with just 1 monthly sound meditation session as part of professional development days or as an end of month self-care practice, can greatly help reduce the impact of negative stressors to support physical and mental well-being.

    Additionally, sound meditation is a great complement to any existing mental health programs, such as in-school yoga or art therapy programs. By teaching educators how to find calm and build resiliency through the gentle nurturing of the whole human can positively influence the lives of children and adults alike.

  • Sound Meditation for Chicago Educators

    College Educators and Higher Education

    It’s no secret that embarking on the path of higher education and collegiate learning can pose a new set of stressors on both students and educators With. increased responsibilities, changes in sleeping habits, time management constraints, and a barrage of deadlines, collegiate faculty, and students can greatly benefit from regular, sustainable mindfulness practices and self-care.

    Sound meditation is a highly accessible form of relaxation that can greatly reduce stress and promote inner harmony. Through consistent practice, teachers and students can build a lasting mindfulness practice on and off campus.