Public Sound Meditation Classes and Events

2023 Sound Meditation Classes in Chicago

🕊 Make time for calm and relaxation. By allowing mind/body rest, such as with conscious relaxation via sound meditation, we give our body's innate wisdom permission to flow unobstructed.

⚛️ Our health and well-being cannot flourish and thrive in a state of "fight or flight." To the mind, it is simply not a priority to think beyond the present threat and survival. While we are strong and capable of pushing through difficult phases in life, it is unsustainable to push, push, push without respite.

📆 Reclaim your rest and support your whole self by welcoming conscious relaxation.

🔗 No one turned away for lack of funds. Work-trade and donation options available.

📩 Direct message with questions.

Join me in community for weekly and monthly sound journey meditation offerings at various yoga studios, event spaces, and community centers in Chicago (Northside, Westside, Suburbs, and more). Click on calendar days below to learn more about each event/offering and where to sign up. Kindly contact me with any questions here.

💗 Evelyn

May all be well

May all be safe

May all be peaceful and at ease